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university press is sponsoring a book series on emerging
adulthood edited by dr. larry j. nelson. the focus of the series
is on flourishing (i.e., factors that lead to positive, adaptive
development during emerging adulthood and the successful
transition into adult roles) and floundering (i.e., factors that
lead to maladaptive behaviors and negative development during
emerging adulthood as well as a delay and difficulty in
transitioning into adult roles) in the diverse paths young
people take into and through the third decade of life. too often
the diversity of individual experiences is forgotten in academic
attempts to categorize a time period generally. indeed, the
scholarly examination of emerging adulthood has not always
attempted to capture and explain the within-group variation that
exists among emerging adults, often making the broad
generalization that they are a relatively homogenous group. for
example, emerging adults have been categorically referred to as
“narcissistic,” “refusing to grow up” and “failed adults.”
although there certainly are emerging adults who fit the profile
of selfish, struggling, and directionless, there are others who
are using this period of time for good (i.e., individual growth,
contributions to society, etc.). indeed, there is great
diversity of individual experiences in emerging adulthood. this
series provides a platform for an in-depth, comprehensive
examination into some of the key factors that seem to be
influencing, positively or negatively, young people as they
enter into and progress through the third decade of life and the
multiple ways in which they may flourish or flounder.
furthermore, the series attempts to examine how these factors
may function differently within various populations (i.e.,
cultures, students vs. non-students, men vs. women, etc.).
finally, the series provides a platform for a multi-disciplinary
(e.g., fields ranging from developmental psychology,
neurobiology, education, sociology, criminology) and
multi-method (i.e., information garnered from both quantitative
and qualitative methodologies) examination (via both edited and
authored books) of issues related to flourishing and floundering
in emerging adulthood.
the first book to be published in the series was edited by drs.
carolyn mcnamara barry and mona m. abo-zena entitled emerging
adults’ religiousness and spirituality: meaning-making in an age
of transition. [for those who are interested in this book,
oxford university press has provided the following discount code
(aspromp8) for 30% off the book at their website (]
forthcoming books include developing mental health in emerging
adulthood, edited by dr. jennifer l tanner, flourishing in
emerging adulthood: positive development during the third decade
of life, edited by drs. laura m. padilla-walker and larry j
nelson, and the marriage paradox: why emerging adults love
marriage yet push it aside, edited by drs. brian j. willoughby
and spencer l. james. a number of additional titles and authors
will be announced soon.
dr. nelson encourages scholars from all disciplines who study
topics related to flourishing and floundering during the third
decade of life to contribute to the series. the guidelines for
author submissions can be found
here. in addition, dr. nelson (
is happy to discuss possible book ideas prior to the proposal
being formally submitted and to provide additional details about
the series and/or submission process.
again, the series provides a publication venue that allows for
an in-depth, multi-disciplinary, and multi-method examination
into key factors that influence the third decade of life. hence,
those in a variety of fields studying a variety of topics are
encouraged to submit a proposal for consideration. it is dr.
nelson’s hope that the series will help scholars, practitioners,
students, and others better understand flourishing and
floundering in the lives of young people in the various paths
they may take to adulthood and, in doing so, potentially help
individuals thrive during this period of their lives and beyond.
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